include a scicos block / schematic
[sim, outlist] = ld_scicosblock(sim, events, inlist, cosblk)
inlist - list() of input ports forwarded to the Scicosblock
outlist - list() of output ports forwarded from the Scicosblock
cosblk - structure as loaded by ortd_getcosblk containg the block parameters
Hint: There is a way to compile Xcos-superblocks into C-computational functions.
These functions can also be included by ld_scicosblock, but this is experimental
and the process for doing so takes some manual steps to perform on the source-code.
In the C-structure "scicos_block" there is an entry ozptr that is not initiated
correcty by the wrapper in the file "ScicosWrapper.cpp". Only the following steps
are performed that may be suffiecient for most applications:
ozptr[0] = malloc(1000);
ozptr[1] = malloc(1000);
ozptr[2] = malloc(1000);
ozptr[3] = malloc(1000);
ozptr[4] = malloc(1000);
These fields are used by the generated C-functions for Scicos-Superblocks.