<< ld_read_global_memory nested ld_simnest2 >>

ORTD Scilab Interface Toolbox >> nested > ld_simnest


create one (or multiple) nested libdyn simulation within a normal libdyn block it is possible to switch between them by an special input signal

Calling Sequence

[sim, outlist, computation_finished] = ld_simnest(sim, ev, inlist, insizes, outsizes, intypes, outtypes, fn_list, dfeed, asynchron_simsteps, switch_signal, reset_trigger_signal  )



switch_signal: signal used to switch between different nested simulations

reset_trigger_signal: when 1 the current simulation is reset (sync)

OR when 1 the current simulation is triggered (async)

inlist - list( ) of input signals to the block, that will be forwarded to the nested simulation(s)


ev - events to be forwarded to the nested simulation

insizes - input ports configuration

outsizes - output ports configuration

intypes - ignored for now, put ORTD.DATATYPE_FLOAT for each port

outtypes - ignored for now, put ORTD.DATATYPE_FLOAT for each port

fn_list - list( ) of scilab functions defining sub-schematics

dfeed - the block containing all sub-schematics is configured with dfeed

asynchron_simsteps - if == 1 one simulation steps will be simulated in a thread

when finished the result becomes available to the blocks outports

if == 2 the simulation will be simulated in a thread and can be synchronised

by the subsimulation itselft through synchronisation blocks (e.g. ld_synctimer)

if == 0 the nested simulation runns synchronous to the upper level simulation.

(i.e. no thread is started)


outlist - list( ) of output signals

computation_finished - optional and only meanful if asynchron_simsteps &gt; 0 (means async computation)

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<< ld_read_global_memory nested ld_simnest2 >>