create schematics that can be used as an online exchangeable simulation for nested simulations set-up using the ld_nested2 block
[par, userdata] = ld_simnest2_replacement( insizes, outsizes, intypes, outtypes, nested_fn, userdata, N )
The "ld_nested_exchffile"-block can be used to load the schematic into the controller
switch_signal: signal used to switch between different nested simulations
reset_trigger_signal: when 1 the current simulation is reset (sync)
OR when 1 the current simulation is triggered (async)
inlist - list( ) of input signals to the block, that will be forwarded to the nested simulation(s)
insizes - input ports configuration
outsizes - output ports configuration
intypes - ignored for now, put ORTD.DATATYPE_FLOAT for each port
outtypes - ignored for now, put ORTD.DATATYPE_FLOAT for each port
nested_fn - scilab function defining sub-schematics
N - slot id; set to 2
par - irpar data set. par.ipar and par.rpar contain the integer and double parameters list