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ORTD Scilab Interface Toolbox >> basic_ldblocks > ld_vectorFindSpike


find a spike in a given dataset

Calling Sequence

[sim, index, FoundSpike, Mean, Sigma, Distance, Val] = ld_vectorFindSpike(sim, events, in, SignificanceFactor, NskipLeft, NskipRight, vecsize)


Steps performed:

1) The maximum of abs(in) is determined as well as its position

2) The variance (sigma^2) of in is calculated except for the values surounded by

the maxmimum. This range is described by NskipLeft and NskipRight

3) The maximum is compared to the standard deviation (sigma); also the

signal&apos;s mean value is compensated herein.

4) If the intensity of the maximum is significantly higher than the maximum&apos;s

intensity, FoundSpike is set to 1

in *+(vecsize)

SignificanceFactor - Used for the comparison Distance &gt; SignificanceFactor * sigma,

index *(INT32) - the index starting at 1, where the spike was found

FoundSpike *(INT32) - 1 if a spike has been found. 0 otherwise

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